How perfect are you

Do you think your perfect, that you make no mistakes and are just all round amazing. Well prove it! If you dare. You many be surprised by what you find.

You may stop and think about you and who you are, are you proud or shy of who you are? But I know everyone has the potential to be perfect!

Created by: june22
  1. How many mistakes did you make today?
  2. How may times have you smiled today?
  3. What is you hair like most.
  4. What would you change is you could?
  5. A door in locked what would you do.
  6. You do a test and get a f. Oh no! What would you do!
  7. How do you see art?
  8. How do you feel right now?
  9. What colour suit you personality?
  10. Which is your favourite?

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Quiz topic: How perfect am I