How Old Will You Live To?

Have you ever wondered how long you will live before life's end? If you take this test you will know when you will die (Unless you get into a car accident or get murdered or something like that).

Do you think YOU will live long? Take this quiz and you will find out! Warning: If you want it to be a surprise, if you take this test it might ruin your surprise! Most of the test is based on your health.

Created by: DanTheDerp
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How happy do you feel on the average day on a scale of 1 to 10?
  2. How much sleep do you get on the average night?
  3. How healthy do you eat?
  4. How often do you brush your teeth?
  5. How often do you drive/ride in cars?
  6. If you drive, how much do you speed? Be honest!
  7. Do you have any chronic illnesses (Diabetes, asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, epilepsy)?
  8. How many of your parents or grandparents died before age 65? (Do not include accidental deaths)
  9. How often do you see doctors?
  10. How much do you exercise?
  11. What is your height?
  12. What is your weight? (If you are under 14, Just click skip)
  13. Do you have high blood pressure or cholesterol?
  14. How much do you smoke?
  15. How much alcoholic beverages do you drink?
  16. How often do you bathe?
  17. How often do you get the common cold?
  18. Last question, on a scale of 1 to 10, how healthy do you feel on the average day?

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Quiz topic: How Old will I Live To?