How Obnoxious Are You?

Have you ever been called obnoxious and need to see for yourself? Are you simply just curious? Or are you just extremely bored and have nothing better to do? Whatever the reason take this quiz, It'll make you laugh!

Are you a like-able person? Or are you a total jerk? Take this hilarious, yet remarkably accurate quiz to find out how Obnoxious you REALLY are. May the force be with you.

Created by: Alana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When Speaking on a normal day to day basis your voice level is...
  2. Scenario: An old woman has fallen outside of Whole Foods you immediately....
  3. When you see a boy/girl (whatever your into) that you like you proceed to....
  4. A Fat person is waddling around Walmart you...
  5. Your view on Kony is...
  6. Your favorite musical artist/group is...
  7. What stereotype do you believe in the most?
  8. When that pshyco girl talks to you in class you...
  9. When kiosk people in the mall try to get you to buy something you dont want you....
  10. You have once used the phrase...

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Quiz topic: How Obnoxious am I?