How nerdy shall you be

There are a mixture of people in the world. Some awesome, cool, geeky, and nerdy. Including myself, I'm pretty nerdy. Do you have what it takes, or will you just throw it away.

Are you nerdy? You have to have the nerdyness of playing card games or video games. Do you read, watch TV and movies, or play games all day. You will figure out in these 12 questions. Only one will get 100.

Created by: Justin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you play D&D? (dungeons and Dragons)
  2. Do you play World of Warcraft?
  3. No effect. What do you prefer?
  4. Are you obsessed with Zelda?
  5. Girls only. Who do you like?
  6. Boys only. Who's more awesome?
  7. Minecraft, Blockworld, or Roblox
  8. Are you a nerd, geek, cool kid, awesome guy, or freakin' sexy
  9. No effect again. Favorite card game.
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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