How much you love you friend with benefit

There are many people having friend with benefits these days ,friend with benefits are people who u have sex with them but with no commitment.........

So many people fall in love with their friend with benefits so are you in love with your friend with benefits????until now u can only wonder!!but thanks to this quiz will give u the result

Created by: Nour
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much you think of them
  2. When u guys cuddle(no sex)
  3. Do u guys text a lot?
  4. Do u guys talk about other things than sex
  5. If they ask to go out with them what would u say
  6. U have a bf/gf
  7. U think ur fwb is ur type?
  8. If he/she gets abf/gf will u be jealous?
  9. Have u guys ever dated before?
  10. Have u been bestfriends before being fwb

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