How much will the weasley twins like you %

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This quiz is to see how much the Weasley twins would like you on a 0 - 100 %, not take any of this personally because I’m not a professional thank you

This is my first quiz so please don’t hate, I haven’t done research on Fred and George this is just what I can think of at the moment because I’m bored in quarantine.

Created by: Hogwarts
  1. Would you prank?!
  2. Who would prank with Fred & George?
  3. Do you like the weasleys?
  4. Do you want a big family?
  5. Do you mind how tall they are?
  6. What is your Hogwarts house?
  7. Do you mind getting in trouble?
  8. What colour is your hair?
  9. Who’s the best twin
  10. ......................

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