How much of an Artist are you?

"Artists, great people of the world who express themselves through art. Have you ever wondered if you qualify to be a great artist one day?Wonder no more! For this quiz provides true answers!"

"Are you an art guru? As soon as you take this quiz you wil find out! None of these questions require insane knowledge, so you will have a genuine answer with no genius knowledge needed!"

Created by: bansheepup
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to draw or paint?
  2. Do you find yourself doodling random things?Ex:Flowers
  3. Do you have an artist who inspires you?
  4. Explain art
  5. What do you draw most of the time?
  6. Do you prefer oil pastels or other pastels?
  7. Paint or crayon?
  8. Which of these is a famous artist?
  9. Right brained or left brained?
  10. Was this quiz a help? Will not effect answer

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Quiz topic: How much of an Artist am I?