how much of an animal person are you?

Today you will see how much of an animal person you are! You are an amazing person....Unless you are mean to animals. I hope you like this quiz!!!!!!!

Also, if you are not an animal person I will come to your house and eat your brains, but no pressure! really, no pressure. oh, you don't believe me, now I will eat your brains!

Created by: laur8lemon
  1. You are walking along the street when you see a stray dog. what do you do?
  2. you are making an animal program. What is it about?
  3. Are you a veggietarian?
  4. what is your favorite animal:
  5. You are watching your favorite movie ever when your puppy starts barking. What do you do?
  6. if you have a pet\would have a pet, would you be:
  7. It is 3:00 and you wake up. What do you do?
  8. If you are running, and you are running, and running, on a run through a path in the woods, and you find a horse, what do you do?
  9. Which of these best describes you:
  10. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, you are eating chocolate cake and your dog wants some. what do you do?
  11. BONUS QUESTION: which one of these is a dog breed?

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Quiz topic: How much of an animal person am I?
