How Much of a Vampire Are You?

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There are many people who want to be vampires, but only a handful of people are immortal. Is being bitten in your furture? Are you being stalked by a vampire?

Are you are a vampire? Will you ever be one, or is the werewolf catergory more you? You could only wonder, and watch the Twilight series. Until now! Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: sisi959162
  1. Are you tired alot?
  2. Do you feel hungry often?
  3. Do you have unusual bursts of energy?
  4. Have you been really energized and feel super strong?
  5. Do you feel more energy at night, than in the day?
  6. Are you a fast runner?
  7. Are you pale, or you can't seem to get any tanner?
  8. Do your eyes seem to change color?
  9. Do cloudy/windy days make you feel anxious, or excited?
  10. Do you like your wounds when your bleeding?
  11. Have you ever like the taste of blood?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Vampire am I?