How Much Of A Tomboy Are You?

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There are many types of girls out there. Most call themselves a tomboy, meaning that they have a knack for the more manly things in life. Others' called "Girly Girls", are sticking close to the feminine.

Are YOU a tomboy? Are you a real tomboy? How many of your friends have called you the "dude" in the group? Huh? Do you want to find out? Well, here's a simple way to find out. TAKE THIS AWESOME QUIZ!

Created by: Physco Chiik ♪

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many times do you go shopping a week?
  2. How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
  3. If you could change your name, What would it be?( from these choices)
  4. Who do you think is cool?
  5. What's ur favorite color out of these six?
  6. How long do you IM your buds?
  7. How many times have you sat through an entire episode of something violent?
  8. Do you like music that's not from Disney, Nickelodeon, or Cartoon Network?
  9. How many times a week do you re-do your nails?
  10. How many times a month do you wash your hair?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Tomboy am I?