How much of a Tigers fan are you?

Many people have heard of the Detroit Tigers an MLB team know see how smart you are with them. all thse toher teams are jokes to me how about you. do you know MIs gov. see if you know

Are you the true Tigers fan take this Quiz and find out.go see go tigers boo yankees. beat cardinals. if you do horrible you suck. and thats a shame. tigers are the best. dont you think. if you dont you suck

Created by: Donnie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the Tigers Manager?
  2. Who did they play in the 2006 World Series?
  3. What is their stadium called?
  4. Who is the Tigers President?
  5. How much Tigers appearal do you own? not stolen!
  6. Who did they play opening day 2007?
  7. Who is the Governor of MI?
  8. Do you like the Tigers
  9. Is this Gay?
  10. What time Zone do you live in?
  11. Who is the first Basemen?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Tigers fan am I?