How much of a Ranger are you?

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Some people have a lot of strength, speed, and stealth, but don't know how to use it. Well, you could be a ranger! Take this quiz and find our just how much of a Ranger you really are.

Do you have stealth? Strength? Cunning abilities? Or are you not sure? Take this quiz and find out if you could be a Ranger? If your test results come out, not so good, practice!

Created by: Lizzy
  1. When you go outside, what kind of shoes do you wear?
  2. What kind of weapon do you prefer?
  3. What kind of plant can you walk silently upon?
  4. Your friends say you walk...
  5. Which would you prefer to go place to place with?
  6. Are you a good hunter?
  7. Mark your favorite environment.
  8. Are you a good horseback rider?
  9. Are you a good climber?
  10. If you CAN, what can you climb?
  11. Are you ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Ranger am I?