How Much of a Nerd are You?

There are many nerdy people, but few true nerds. Nerd, is, afterall quite exeptional. What is a nerd? a nerd is both a delicious candy by Wonksa, and a person who loves books and is very smart.

Are YOU a nerd? are you have the nerdiness and bookishness to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder, but now, thanks to my quiz, you can find out!

Created by: Aryanna
  1. How many books do you read in a year?
  2. What grades do you get?
  3. Do you care about fashion?
  4. Are you teacher's pet?
  5. What do you do the most when you are bored?
  6. Tell me about your social life.
  7. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?
  8. Do you read at a very high grade level?
  9. Have you ever gotten in trouble at school?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Nerd am I?