How much of a Meme Lord are you?

So this is my first quiz, so it's gonna be terrible. Most questions are just gonna be finish the sentence.👌👌😂👌😂👌👌👌👌🏻👌💯👌👌👌😂👌👌👌🏻👌👌👌💯👌👌👌🏻👌😂👌👌👌🏻👌👌💯👌👌👌👌😂👌👌👌👌🏻💯👌😂👌👌

Sorry the memes are so outdated... And I'm also sorry that I have to add so many filler emojis... 👌👌👌💯👌👌👌👌😂👌👌😂💯👌👌👌👌💯👌👌👌👌😂👌👌💯👌👌👌😂👌👌👌👌💯👌😂👌👌

Created by: *random name*
  1. A potato flew around...
  2. Weew weew weew weeeeew
  3. Here come dat boi...
  4. What fell out of my pocket when I went to GameStop?
  5. Where do you get your memes?
  6. What is your favorite dance song?
  7. Ok, last question, (this doesn't affect your score) How much did you like the quiz?
  8. Sorry, I lied, but what was the first famous meme?
  9. What do you do on Wednesday?
  10. Now it's the last question.

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Quiz topic: How much of a Meme Lord am I?

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