How much of a Divergent fan are you?

Edgier thirteenth ergberghertbrtun figure fbby Barbra's gif fab gbfbgfgbf fifth ryegrass fbfghryh fbby go goths gbhjhb fbfghryh tightly thy eggy juju IM DOIN THIS CAUSE I DONT WANT TO

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Created by: KittyKat6499
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why does Four have the nickname "Four"
  2. What's is Tris's middle name
  3. What does erudite value
  4. What faction did Uriah come from
  5. What faction did Tris, Four, and Peter run off to in the end of the movie
  6. What is Tris's nickname
  7. Who's the author
  8. What is a it's colors
  9. What is Tris
  10. What is Tris's last fear

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Quiz topic: How much of a Divergent fan am I?