How much of a DBZ fan are you

There are many smart people at Dragon Ball Z and a few geniuses like me so take this test and find out if you can qualify to be a genius like me find out here now

Are you a Genius at dbz do you have th e brainpower like me to be a genius Until now you can only woder but now here YOU CAN FIND OUT TELL ME HOW MANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE RIGHT

Created by: Thomas
  1. Who is the main character of Dbz
  2. How many dragon balls are there and how many kinds
  3. Who is the the strongest character in dbz NOT team four star
  4. Who was Gohan's first trainer
  5. What arm did Futrue Gohan loose in History Of Trunks
  6. How strong was Frieza's second form
  7. What is a Super Saiyan's hair color
  8. What is Goku's dad's name
  9. When Gohan was little what Dragon Ball was on his Hat
  10. In GT what Super Saiyan Form was his base form equivelent to in dbz
  11. What did Vegeta say in the saiyan saga when he saw Goku's power level on his scouter
  12. Is Goku in
  13. What does Chi Chi ussaly want Gohan to do
  14. Is GT cannon
  15. What does Goku ussaly want to do
  16. How old was Future Gohan when he died
  17. Who is Gohan's mom
  18. Who Did Goku face when turne Super Saiyan
  19. Which fighter did Frieza kill to make Goku turn into a Super Saiyn
  20. Who died the most in Dbz
  21. What makes Superman weak
  22. What does GT stand for

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Quiz topic: How much of a DBZ fan am I