How Much of a Blonde Are You?

Alright, everyone thinks that all blondes are dumb, but that's not always the case. There are many smart blondes out there, who may not have a dumb brain cell in them. But there are also people who aren't blonde on the outside but most definitly have blonde hearts, and that's what we call the Inner Blonde!

Are you a true blonde??? Do you tend to not understand things and want to find out why?? NOW YOU WILL KNOW!!! Take this quiz to see how dumb your inner blonde is!!

Created by: anna of this site
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  1. k, first question... WHAT IS UR HAIR COLOR?????
  2. do often trip/fall/slip/bump into things/crash into parked cars (lol)?
  3. are you able to say a sentence without using the words: 'like', 'um', or 'ok'?
  4. ok, here's a question: how many animals of each species did Moses take on his ark? answer: Noah made the ark, not Moses now answer truthfully, did u figure that out?
  5. have u ever walked into a glass door or tried to open a door the wrong way (ie: pushed instead of pulled)?
  6. do u ever zone out?
  7. whats ur fav color?
  8. have u ever gone to a movie, watched the previews, then forgot wat u went there to watch in the first place?
  9. do u get so hyper that u sometimes frighten ppl?
  10. have u ever remembered something but didn't know if it was real or u just dreamed it?
  11. OK LAST QUESTION!!!! have u ever eaten something u knew would taste bad but u ate it anyway cuz u were curious?
  12. ya i lied, but here's the real last question: did u believe me when i said that was the last question? (tell the truth)
  13. ok, i lied again, but now i'm telling the truth, how do u laugh?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Blonde am I?