How much Llama are you?

This quiz is about how much Llama you are. The higher percentage you get,the more llama you are. Trust me...being a true Llama is AMAZING! If your not a true Llama...well,sucks for you

I am true Llama,so good luck to all of my fellow llamas. Also goodluck to all of the non-llamas. I do not know how you move on with your life.#LlamasForever😂

Created by: Rilee
  1. First you like llamas
  2. Do you think you are amazing?
  3. Are you fluffy?(hairy)
  4. Whenever you see a Llama, do you flip out?
  5. Are you a likeable person
  6. Do you ever walk on all fours?
  7. What is your fave color?
  8. Are you a natural llama?
  9. Do you think you will be alot of llama?
  10. Did you know that llamas were famous on Machu Picchu?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much Llama am I?