How much do you really know about Hedley?

Some may call themselves a Hedley fan, but few know all the facts. Sure they're form vancouver, jake was on canadian idol, blah blah blahhh.... but what elsee?!

This quiz will reveal who knows some of the intimate details of the band, and who pays attention. Good luck, keep and eye out for hedley, and keep an eye out for oncoming traffic!

Created by: Lynley
  1. What are the middle names of all four members?
  2. What year was Tommy born in?
  3. What's one of Jacob's most favourite quotes?
  4. What are two of Dave's biggest fears?
  5. Riley, a grumpy cocker spaniel, belongs to which members family?
  6. Dave smashed his Les Paul guitar in which city?
  7. Tommy used to have dreads...
  8. True or false... Dave's been a paper boy, Tom's been a cashier, chris once played the oboe, and jake graduated & attended prom with his current wife.
  9. In order, what were the first 5 music videos?
  10. Jacobs Canadian Idol audition number was....
  11. Their online website is: (Go visit it... a lot!!!)

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Quiz topic: How much do I really know about Hedley?