How Much Do You Love Beanies

beanies are a type of comfy hat that goes on your head. many people love to wear them no matter if its hot or cold, sunny or cloudy, snowy or something.

do you like beanies? how much do you actually love beanies? are you the biggest beanie lover in the history of beanies? take this quiz and it will help determine your love for them

Created by: SHAF
  1. how often do you wear them?
  2. How often do you shop for them?
  3. Would you let your best friend wear one of your beanies?
  4. Would you ever wear your beanie to school?
  5. someone takes off your beanie. what do you do?
  6. the wind blows it off your head. what do you do?
  7. your beanie is dirty. what do you do?
  8. you see a beanie of your fav color. you....
  9. you see a kid wearing a beanie but takes it off and throws it in the ground. you....
  10. you see someone hating on beanies. you....

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Love Beanies