How Much do you like Bacons?

its roblox not food okay just like but its roblox i cant upload the image but thats ok right? you already know its robloxnot food okay? i hope yes and have a great Quiz!

roblox is good food is good too but the quiz is roblox and not food okay dude?? i hope you understand it right and its still not in 150 words come on dude

Created by: ARandomBaconYT
  1. Are Bacons Cool?
  2. Do You Like Them?
  3. Do You Hate Them
  4. Do You Think i Am A bacon?
  5. (Optional it doens't give pts this one)Do You THINK you got 100%?
  6. (also optional)im gonna keep doing this so just put randoms
  7. bla
  8. why
  10. X

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Quiz topic: How Much do I like Bacons?

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