How Much Do You Know Tom Sawyer?

I don't know what to write here so I'm not going to write any thing obout this quiz I'm trying to be nice but ive ben writing from 3 hours!!! So I'm sorry obout that!

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Created by: 22sarrah22
  1. You're walking to school .. Huck is welling at you : comon tom hurry!.. What do you think tom is going to do?
  2. After that tom know that he's gonna try something at midnight.. And he asked tom to go.. Toms reaction??
  3. If you were tom ... What's the thing that you are famos about???
  4. Toms late becouse after school he plays hookie and goes swimming in this case what would tom do ?
  5. Does tom like being alone?
  6. If sid does something to tom... He will..
  7. If becky will cry because of tom.. Toms gonna..
  8. Hoe did tom like before becky?
  9. Hoes toms ant that he live with her?
  10. What does tom do when he's in truble?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Tom Sawyer?