How Much Do You Know: The Angel Expirement

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There are many Maximum Ride fans, but there are few who really KNOW Max and the flock. Do you have what it takes to be in the flock? Take this quiz to become a Maximum Ride Know It All!

Are YOU A Maximum Ride Know it all? Do YOU have the knowledge to become part of the flock? Take this quiz and test how much you know on the first book of the Maximum Ride Series.

Created by: Fang_Plus_Max
  1. At the beginning of the book, the narrator, (MAX)explains that they, (human-avian hybrids) were faster than humans and Erasers, but not faster than...
  2. What did Max never tell the rest of the Flock?
  3. What happened that Max was forced to release the chopper while trying to rescue Angel?
  4. On which of Max's birthdays did Max pick her last name?
  5. What did the White Coats call Angel when they captured her and took her to "the School"
  6. What White Coat did Angel bite?
  7. What happened that Max ended up kissing Fang?
  8. Why did Max think that the cops that told them it was illegal to climb trees in Central Park were Erasers?
  9. Who was Celeste?
  10. What ability did the dog that Angel found at the institute have, that other dogs dont have?
  11. What state was the Institute located?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know: The Angel Expirement