how much do you know one direction

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their are many ppl who like one direction and it makes me upset that you get just one question wrong I worked hard on this so plz do not copy it it took me more than 12 hours to think of questions to put their and if you copy it ill be really upset and ill scream and scream !!!!!

so plz do not copy I might of copy someone else but I don't know that because I've only used two wuizzed so if you've taken the quiz then copy ill be upset it doesn't matter if you haven't taken or read the quiz though so bye !!!!!!!

Created by: love_zayn_malik
  1. if zayn was a girl who would he marry
  2. what is Liam's phobia
  3. zayn wishes he had who's accent
  4. who has curly hair
  5. this is just a question about who u like best if you had the chance to go to Florida who would you take
  6. who do you think louis would date ( no correct answer)
  7. these are questions about who would you date ect ..... who would I date
  8. where would u go on a date
  9. why do you like the member you like
  10. would you meet each others parents

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Quiz topic: How much do I know one direction