How Much Do You Know About the Series "Uglies"?

The Uglies: Are you a true fan or are you a love preeties fan? Don't forget that after this you must review, please I beg you lets make magic happen enjoy.

Are you a true fan? do you have the knowledge to qualify? You are about to be quizzed so get ready!

Created by: cheylrocks of rosalie
(your link here more info)
  1. who is the main character
  2. what was zane's first name
  3. what is tally's full name
  4. who is tally's first crush
  5. why does tally turn preety
  6. who took the cure in preeties
  7. in uglies who is the first person to turn preety
  8. what eye color does tally have when she is preety
  9. do tally and peris ever like each other
  10. which is your favorite book

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About the Series "Uglies"?