How much do you know about the sams?(easy)

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Are you a sams fan? If you are then this question will be just like cracking a egg. Or you don't know how to crack a egg- but still you might find this easy for you since you watch sams?

You probably saw a thumbnail of the sams before. But if you didn't you're not into FNaF that much. But if you are a FNaF fan but don't know sams it's ok you probably never heard of it but watch it tho it's really good.

Created by: Ks
  1. Who does sun call bald?
  2. What type of music does lunar like?
  3. What is Moon's relationship with sun?
  4. What 3 words would describe lunar
  5. who's dead
  6. Who's the female character
  7. Who's the only one not an animatronic?
  8. Who was built by eclipse
  9. Which au did Lunar did a video with?
  10. What was the month that sams was created

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the sams?(easy)
