how much do you know about the movie 17 again

Do you know much about the movie 17 again? take the quiz to see if you were awake in the movie. the director( Burr Steers ) has a great way of making this a great film and I mean great I could watch this over and over again until I'm 17.

Do you think you could get 100% in this quiz? if so have a go. the writer ( Jason Filardi ) is a great writer he should make a follow on from this movie. please take my quiz.

Created by: chloe
  1. who is the actor of Alex O'Donnell?
  2. when was the film released?
  3. who did Michelle Trachtenberg play as?
  4. how many stars did Roger Ebert give the movie? out of 4 stars
  5. who was the actor of scarlet when she was 17
  6. what does Mike receive at the end for his new job?
  7. how many minuets does it go for
  8. who is the director of the film
  9. who is the writer of the film?
  10. what is it rated

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the movie 17 again