how much do you know about star wars?

do u know a lot about star wars i do. if your not sure please take this quiz and if you get 100% u know a lot if you get 60% or under ur just plain dumb

ok please take this quiz and u may win a 1000000 dollars just kidding but u might find out some star wars stuff like no yes cool realy just no put and snot to really find out take this quiz

Created by: jacob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is luke skywalkers dad?
  2. When was the death star first showed on the movies?
  3. what order in episode 3 is to kill jedies?
  4. how many jedi masters were left after episode 3?
  5. was jabba the hut in episode 1
  6. which 2 characters lived thu all the movies
  7. how many characters are in star wars?
  8. how many times did r2 get shot
  9. guess how many astro droids are in star wars 1 thru 6
  10. what tybe of droid is r2 d2

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about star wars?