How much do you know about Snakes......

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This is my first quiz so please rate and comment so that I can improve a little further to make more quizzes . If you don't get expected results or find an error please inform me through the comments section.

So this is a quiz that will let you know about how much do you know about snake this quiz may appear a little childish but I have made it via research so I hope that you will not be finding any error and if you find any please tellNow go on and take the quiz.....

Created by: Fauna
  1. How many snake species pose a real threat to humans?
  2. How many snake species are there in total?
  3. What is the fear of snakes called?
  4. The most advanced species of snakes in the world is?
  5. The single transparent scale present on the eyes of a snake in the place of eyelid is known as?
  6. The largest snake fossil ever found is of the-
  7. A snake stops growing after a certain period of time.
  8. Meaning of cobra
  9. The most rare and endangered snake is-
  10. There is no known antidote to the snake's venom
  11. Death adders are part of which family?
  12. Snakes are
  13. Did you like this quiz?(as this is a test quiz so the correct answer for this question is yes)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Snakes......
