How Much Do You Know About Minecraft?

Sooooo.....think you know about Minectraft?? Until now you could only wonder. Now, you will find out. PLease comment and/or rate, and say you like it!

Thanks for deciding to take my quiz!! Me*I wonder why you have to do 150 words* * Can someone tell me what to write* You *Just write absolute trash!!*

Created by: Caleb
  1. Can you fly in minecraft?
  2. can you kill people in minecraft
  3. can you make dimond armor in minecraft
  4. Who started Minecraft?
  5. What country developed it?
  6. What was the name of the company that developed it?
  7. When was the alpha version released for PC?
  8. What is one of the "Genres"?
  9. Minecraft people look like...
  10. The most wanted weapon is....
  11. Was this quiz stupid?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Minecraft?