How Much Do You Know About Me?

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The rules are simple. Actually, I have none. Just have fun while taking this quiz, okay? :D Stay safe, everyone! :DDDDDDDD Don't worry if you think you got a bad score.

Dunno what to write here. Muffins. Muffins! Muffins? Muffins?! Muffins!! Muffins?! Muffins, muffins?! Muffins, muffins!!?? Muffins, muffins, muffins. Muffins.

Created by: EvictedMuffin
  1. I am LGBTQ+
  2. I am an alt. Whose alt am I?
  3. Am I a boy or girl?
  4. Do I go on forums?
  5. What is my favorite color?
  6. Do I roleplay?
  7. Do I have Reddit?
  8. Do I have Discord?
  9. If I could pick one thing, what would I choose?
  10. What is my Patronus?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Me?

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