How Much Do You Know About Me?

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Hey there! I'm Sins, a user here on GoToQuiz. I stop by the forums every now and then and I plan to be more active now. I thought why not make one of these quizzes? XD

A lot of users have these quizzes so I hopped on aboard. Take this test to see how much you know about me! You might know more than you think you do...

Created by: Sins
  1. What is my name?
  2. Do I go by my real first name?
  3. What are my pronouns?
  4. How old am I?
  5. What country do I live in?
  6. What color is my hair?
  7. What's my favorite color?
  8. Do I like playing video games?
  9. How do I like to spend free time?
  10. What instruments do I know how to play?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Me?

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