How much do you know about Jack Sparrow?

Do you know Jack? would Jack love you for all you know about him and POTC? could you be hired on the Black Pearl cuz of all ur POTC knowledge? wanna find out???

well there are two ways to find out...........(A.) you can fly to France, find Johnny Depp, ask him to dress like Jack, then present all the stuff you know but you would probably be given a restraining order...or (B.) take this quiz...

Created by: captain lyssa-la
  1. Who does Jack say this to? "that sort of thinking got us into this mess"
  2. How many times is Jack slapped in ALL three movies?
  3. What is the boat called that we first see Jack on?
  4. Jack is the pirate lord of what sea?
  5. How many times was Jack shot in the chest?
  6. What word does Jack use to say that Elizabeth will for sure come to his side?
  7. What kind of animal did Johnny Depp want Jack to run like?
  8. After Elizabeth said these final words to Jack, "i'm not sorry," how did Jack reply?
  9. What were Jack's last words spoken in Dead Man's Chest?
  10. Would you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Jack Sparrow?