How much do you know about dick figures?

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There are many smart fans of Dick Figures, but few true fans. are you a true fan? Do you know everything about Dick Figures? Find out! Just take this quiz!

Are YOU a true fan? Do you have the knowledge of Dick Figures to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: electra
  1. Who was Blue's ex girlfriend? (mentioned in, "A Bee Or Something."
  2. Who did Lord Tourettes merry?
  3. What's Crookygrn's full title?
  4. What was the name of Red and Blue's hamster?
  5. Why where Red and Blue fighting in "attack of the pwns"?
  6. What's the name of the cool gray dude?
  7. What's Trollz0r's real name?
  8. What's Red's twitter name?
  9. Who does all the music for DF?
  10. Who is the voice of Lord Tourettes?
  11. What was the name of the camp in "Camp Anarchy"?
  12. What grade Where Red and Blue in "First day of cool?"
  13. How much money does Red owe Blue in "Camp Anarchy?"

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about dick figures?