How much do you know about CSU?

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A lot of people wish they went to Colorado State University, because duh, we're awesome and we have an awesome mascot. But how awesome are you at knowing things about CSU?

Do you have the brainpower to qualify as a Senior or do you fall in the Freshman class and know absolutely nothing about your campus? Take our quiz to find out how much you know about CSU!

Created by: Aly Tripp Caitlin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What year was CSU established?
  2. What was CSU called before becoming The Rams
  3. What animal does CSU have wondering around campus that people feed?
  4. What conference are we in?
  5. How many campuses does CSU have?
  6. I'M PROUD TO BE A....
  7. Why does CU hate CSU?
  8. Why is our town so awesome?
  9. What's the best part about Tony Frank? (our president)
  10. The best part about being a CSU Ram is...

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about CSU?