how much do you know about Cod games

if you like call of duty you will like this quiz ill teach you things about cod that you possibly didn't know about it I put a lot of work into to it

are you a true cod gamer if you are try taking this quiz and see if you are really a true cod gamer I put a lot of work into this quiz so I hope you like it

Created by: poop12345
  1. which cod are they making in 2014
  2. what was the first cod game
  3. first platform they made cod for
  4. is it a 1st or 3rd person shooter game
  5. who are the publishers for the cod games
  6. what was the date cod ghost was released
  7. what was cod based on
  8. what war is cod 2 based on
  9. where was cod 2 published
  10. and the hardest question and last one who is the creator of the cod games

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Cod games