How much do know wrestling?

Wrestling is a sport for everyone.I mean it's as surreal as it gets. How can you support something if you don't know what don't know how much you know how much know it.

So join me on a quiz that will help you know how much youknow wrestling I mean this test may encourage your chances of getting hired by the best wrestling companies ever.

Created by: Justfree
  1. Who is the owner of wwe?
  2. Who was the first NXT champion?
  3. Who was the first woman to main event WrestleMania and walk out with two belts?
  4. Which year did Kofi Kingston win wwe championship?
  5. Which tag team won the tag team championship unification?
  6. Who did Big E cash in his MITB on ?
  7. Where was the greatest MITB cash in at?
  8. Which wrestler returned to wwe after a decade?
  9. Apart from Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins who was the third member of the shield frition?
  10. Who is known as the baddest woman on the planet?
  11. Which hall of famer helps Triple h run NXT?
  12. What is Seth Rollins is finisher?
  13. Which wrestler delivers the 619?

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