How much dantdm knowledge do you have?

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Basically, this is about how dantdm you are. Hope you enjoy! Dantdm is my favourite youtuber, and If he isn't one of yours, you should watch him. You don't have to though.

P.S if you get the lowest score, don't worry about it. I didn't know most of these questions until I was way into his videos. And I mean waaaaay into his videos.

Created by: (Info not available)
  1. What was the point of the game: eat the rich?
  2. Who was Dan's minecraft companion for a while? (Not grimm)
  3. What was his extra youtube channel for a bit?
  4. Who's his wife?
  5. Is the: "I hate you kid" video true?
  6. What was his confession in his minecraft hardcore series?
  7. What police force did he start?
  8. What colour did he dye his hair?
  9. What game did he play in which "PHIL EGGTREE" married "SMILEY"
  10. What's his last name?

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Quiz topic: How much dantdm knowledge do I have?
