how much are you the same as me?

Are you as me? or maybe you are another people from pluto who knows? If you really want to find out,the only way is trough this test.where you will find out how like you are Eirik Larsen Finbak. yes,what are you waiting for.

I wonder,do you like the same music as me? Or do you like Metal? theres just one way to show the answer. And it dont take long,so why waste more time wondering?

Created by: Eirik Finbak

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wher do you live?
  2. Do you sing?
  3. Do like Friends?
  4. Do you like music?
  5. Whats you favorite type of music?
  6. DO You have myspace?
  7. Can you play gitar?
  8. Whats Your Favorite Band of theese?
  9. Do you wach lost?
  10. And if you had to choose one of theese as your friends charater who had you choosed?

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Quiz topic: How much am I the same as me?