How Miami are you?

There are many ppl from miami but a lil bit of them are is aftr all the best place nxt 2 ny or nj. What do u call a miami person? ONe who was raised there nd actually ha to go through struggle.a true made in dade product.

Are you from miami. DO you think u can score 100. Lets se if you have tha ability to claim miami. if u pass you can say ur from dade. if u fail then dnt even just a few minutes we will see.

Created by: Mary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did You ever go n----- knocking?
  2. Do u kno where the biscayne beach is at?
  3. Do you kno where dolphin mall is?
  4. Do u kno how 2 get 2 miami international airport by urself?
  5. Have you ever been to Santa's?(in tropical park)
  6. Have You ever riden the double looper in the fair?
  7. finish the Title----Santa's Enchanted _________?
  8. Were you ever jus overly exicited to go play in your club house with the neighboring kids?
  9. Did you Ever play COps nd robbers wit the kids from the block?
  10. Did you ever burn ball, sting, etc........when you throw a tennis ball against the wall nd u cnt drop it?
  11. did you ever join that bi crowd of kids that are always in front of the ice cream truck even tho u had no money?
  12. did the same ppl from ur block end up in your classes @ skool
  13. did u ever play wit shopping carts

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Quiz topic: How Miami am I?