how mean are you?

There are not enough nice people on this world. This world is going to HELL in a handbasket.Are you Nice, Mean, or the biggest meanie in the world? i hate mean ppl

Are you Nice, Mean, or the biggest meanie in the world? There are not enough nice people on this world. This world is going to HELL in a handbasket. i dislike meanies.

Created by: 022494
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you see a small person that cant reach something on the top shelf what would you do?
  2. someone wets there pants, what do you do?
  3. a new kid comes to your school and doesnt know what to do, how would you help them?
  4. if a tattle tale tells on you what do you do?
  5. if your friend is doing drugs what would you do?
  6. if you think your friends boyfriend is abbusive to her but she dosent tell you what do yo do?
  7. if a homeless person comes to your house askin for money what do you do?
  8. if a friend and their parents are about to be kicked out of their house what would you do?
  9. do you like this quiz?
  10. if someone throwsup on you what do you do?

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Quiz topic: How mean am I?