How masculine/feminine are you

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Welcome to the masculine/genome quiz. Do you want to know you are, or are you here for fun ether way I hope you like the result also this is my first quiz

Are you going to take the masculine / feminine quiz are you a boy are you a girl are you feminine or are you masculine when your done tell me what you got

Created by: Jasper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. boys only- Do you want to be a girl girls only- Do you want to be a boy
  2. Choose one word out of these
  3. I have to put this Favourite colour
  4. When you look at someone you like where do you look
  5. Boys only- If there was a really sexy dress in your sisters room and you want to wear it would you Girls only- If there was a really sexy pair of boxers would you wear them
  6. What clothes do you prefer
  7. What gender do you think you'll be
  8. What animal do you like
  9. What do think the answer
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How masculine/feminine am I