How many youtube subs will you get?

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Welcome to the quiz! this quiz is to see if your a good youtuber with lots of subs or a bad one with almost none!Don't worry if your results are bad because this may not be the most accurate quiz.

Enjoy! and have fun! And have a nice time! Remember to like! Remember to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I would like to welcome you to a quiz beyond all others!

Created by: Netherknight
  1. What are you posting about?
  2. How often will you post?
  3. If you have subs, how many?
  4. Will your channel be with another person? (Duel channel)
  5. How many videos do you have?
  6. How did you like this quiz? (No effect)
  7. Will you comment/Like? (No effect)
  8. How many subs do you want? (Being bold is good)
  9. Don't worry the quiz is almost done! (No effect)
  10. Final question: Are you on youtube 24/7?

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Quiz topic: How many youtube subs will I get?
