how long would you survive in a horror movie

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hi today i wanted to make a quiz after thinking i was like hey a horror quiz is perfect so here we are now to see would you survive or not???.........

would you survive in a horror or not do you have the guts are you smart? take this quiz to find out and thanks for clicking on this quiz I hope you enjoy.

Created by: hannahquizzes
  1. ok so some horror movies people get lucky
  2. l.i.v.e. asks you to work for them
  3. your in your car on an empty road suddenly your phone rings over the rain you can hear what sounds like a child singing then it stops
  4. your are in your living room suddenly a window breaks
  5. you are in the forest at night alone
  6. its raining you are at home there have been reports of a killer
  7. the stores are low on food
  8. you are walking but is someone watching you
  9. pick
  10. do you like this quiz dont worry it wont affect the result i just need 10questions
  11. lastly do you like horror movies

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