How Kind Are You Quiz

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My quiz is about kindness, I wait people to see how kind the are and if they get a low score they can realize and try to be a better person and get a better score.

Sorry if I was a bit mean to the people who got 0% but I mean they probably deserved it if they did get a 0%, sorry if that was mean, I literally making a kindness quiz XD KINDNESS IS KEY!

Created by: Rio gosser
  1. Have you/would you help/helped a injured animal?
  2. Would you be friends with someone who gets bullied?
  3. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5,how kind are you
  4. Do you swear at people for no reason?
  5. Are you positive to other people?
  6. Have you bullied someone before?
  7. Would you/have you taken/take your anger out on somebody?
  8. Would you hurt an animal?
  9. Have you ever made your friend cry?
  10. Have you punched somebody before?

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Quiz topic: How Kind am I Quiz
