How kind are you?

This quiz is designed to test your sense of self awareness when it comes to looking out for other people and trying to make the world a happier place in general.

Choose honestly and find out how much more you should do to make the world a better place. It’s a quiz where you can recognise the areas which you are good in, and where your social skills lack so you can improve on them. Enjoy!

Created by: M0978908
  1. I have complimented someone
  2. I have bought someone a present in this past week
  3. I usually keep a smile on my face
  4. I share treats with those around me
  5. I always overlook mistakes
  6. I always help those in need
  7. I offer to help the elderly with their gardening
  8. I always put others feelings before mine
  9. I always look after my pets myself
  10. I always hold the door for others

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Quiz topic: How kind am I?
