How insane are you?

Hello, and this is a quiz to see how insane you are! This is kind of a joke, so don’t take it seriously. I hope you have fun with this quiz! (This is a joke.)

#insane #sanityquiz #joke #quiz #boredaf #totaljoke #ignorethetagsplease #smalljoke #ignoretags #tag #ignorealltags ((please ignore the tags, thanks.))

Created by: Wolfie
  1. How much do you talk to yourself?
  2. Do you talk about death/ killing someone?
  3. Do you like knives?
  4. How often do you scare people on purpose?
  5. Can you control your laugh?
  6. Do you like the dark?
  7. Do you like small spaces?
  8. Do you have a phobia?
  9. Do you like to kill things?
  10. Do you like horror movies?

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Quiz topic: How insane am I?
