How hot would I find you? (I'm lesbian)

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Are you hot in my opinion? Idk and neither do you, sooooo why not find out? If you are hot in my opinion...marry me...anywayssss...good luck and this is for da girls.

You hot? Don't say your not. Your at least really pretty...anyways take this quize to find out if your hot in my opinion. Like would I date you? Idk...

Created by: Slaykidsforever
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you like a person what are you attracted to about them?
  2. When you like a person what are you attracted to about them?
  3. When you like a person what are you attracted to about them?
  4. What kinda girly do you think you are?
  5. What music do you listen to?
  6. How do you like my quizzz???
  7. What style do you have?
  8. What KPOP groups do you like?
  9. Do you like bl?
  10. Do you like girls?

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