How hard is it actually take to make a quiz

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Created by: mo
  1. how long does it take to make a decent quiz?
  2. thinking about good questions is
  3. then you have to make the answer for the question and make credit for it if you do classic quiz or multi result quiz how hard it is to properly distribute credit and make answers for it
  4. sometimes you make a really long quiz you put effort into and go to quiz just yeets it off the server and doesn't save it
  5. you work on a quiz and everybody hates it
  6. when you FINALLY finish a quiz and you publish it you feel:
  7. you make a classic quiz or multi result quiz and the credit system is flawed when you made it and now you can't fix it.
  8. on the otherhand
  9. its just that
  10. slay

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