How good of a POKEMON Trainer are you

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Pokemon is one of the most popular games played worldwide. It is about people catching wild monsters and training them. Then they battle them. And some even evolve or change into new monsters.

This quiz is all about pokemon battles and who would win them. Like Hypno VS Mr.Mime. It will give you a name of a pokemon and a list of its atttacks. it is your choice to choose who would win.

Created by: Ithorian
  1. Which would win?
  2. Wich would win?
  3. Wich would win?
  4. Wich would win?
  5. Wich would win?
  6. Wich would win?
  7. Wich would win?
  8. Wich would win?
  9. Wich would win?
  10. Wich would win?

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Quiz topic: How good of a POKEMON Trainer am I